Archiv der Regionalgruppe München

21/10/2021 Humboldt-Club


Dear Humboldtians,


on behalf of the Munich Regional Group of the Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer, we cordially invite you to our Salon on October 21st. We will finally be able to meet again in person at the IBZ! (Internationales Begegnungszentrum München, Amalienstr. 38, 80799 München)

Unfortunately, it seems we are not yet allowed to have our customary wine & cheese buffet, but we'll see what we can do.

We very much enjoyed having non-local participants in our virtual meetings in the last 1 1/2 years, so we will also give you the possibility to take part in the talk and the discussion via Zoom, ID 94239549694, password 941864,


Starting around 20:00, a talk will be given by Dr. Maria Flaksman on HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF IMITATIVE WORDS IN GERMANIC LANGUAGES (for the abstract of the talk, please see the attached document).

If you plan to attend in person at the IBZ, please send an email to so we can arrange appropriate seating in the seminar room.

Also, be prepared to prove that you are vacciated/tested ("3G"). If you plan to attend via Zoom, please connect at least 15 min before the start of the talk so that we can sort out possible technical difficulties before the talk.

We are very much looking forward to finally meeting you in person again!


With kind regards,


Evi Vogel, Lutz Cleemann and Stefan Recksiegel

(Humboldt Club Munich)


11/09/2021 Exkursion durch den Nymphenburger Park


In drei Gruppen mit englischsprachigen Führerinnen starteten wir am Samstag, 11. Sept. 2021 vor dem Münchner Schloss Nymphenburg zu kunsthistorischen Spaziergängern durch den Nymphenburger Park. Leider war auf Grund einer münchenweiten Fahrraddemo gegen die lokale IAA die S-Bahn Stammstecke gesperrt, so dass statt der angemeldeten 42 Teilnehmer nur etwa 30 gekommen sind, wie schade.

Bei jeder der Führungen wurden individuelle Schwerpunkte gesetzt, die alle einen interessanten Eindruck und viele Geschichten rund um die Historie des Schlosses, seine Bewohner und Bauherren, aber auch von den Wasserspielen, Venezianischen Gondeln und nicht zu zuletzt auch von Kasimir, dem Waldkauz handelten (der sogar eine eigene Webpräsenz hat).

Wir hatten Glück, dass der gewittrige Regen genau nach Ende der drei Spaziergängen einsetzte und wir danach noch mehr als zwei Stunden bei Speis und Trank in der Schlossschwaige beisammen sitzen konnten. Für den entgangenen Biergartenbesuch wurden wir mehr als entschädigt, da uns die Schlossschwaige einen ihrer prächtigen historischen Gasträume zur Verfügung stellte.

Alles in allem ein schöner Nachmittag und endlich einmal wieder die Möglichkeit zu persönlichen Gesprächen, nach langer Covid-Abstinenz.

16/06/2021 Humboldt-Club


Dear Humboldtians,

on behalf of the Munich Regional Group of the Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer,
we cordially invite you to our next 
Humboldt Salon on Wednesday, June 16th, starting at 19:30h.


Prof. Daniel Rückert will give us a lecture on „Artifical Intelligence and the radiology of the future“


As cross-cutting technology "Artifical Intelligence" is going to change our modern world comparable to the industrial revolution of the 19th century. In the near future we expect impact to pretty much every sector of economy and services. Technological pushes in healthcare by AI are of particular social importance.

Professor Rückert’s (*1969) field of research is the area of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning and their application to medicine and healthcare. Since 2020, Daniel Rückert is Alexander von Humboldt Professor for AI in Medicine and Healthcare at the Technical University of Munich.


Venue: Videoplatform Zoom


Thema: Humboldt Salon RG München
Uhrzeit: 16.Juni.2021 07:30 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rom, Stockholm, Wien

Zoom-Meeting beitreten

Meeting-ID: 951 5623 0227
Kenncode: 252809


You can connect directly from your browser (for Firefox the latest version is required), but we recommend installing the

Zoom client for best audio and video quality.

Prior registration is not necessary for this virtual Humboldt Salon, but we

will happily answer any questions you might have, please contact then


With best regards,


Stefan Recksiegel Evi Vogel Lutz Cleemann

(Speakers of the Humboldt Club Munich)


21/04/2021 Humboldt-Club


Dear Humboldtians,

on behalf of the Munich Regional Group of the Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer, 

we cordially invite you to the virtual Humboldt Salon on Wednesdy, April 21, 2021, starting 19:30


This time  we want to offer you a virtual meeting with break out rooms in order to make new contacts ar renew the existing ones. We think that during the ongoing Covid Regime it might be helpful especially for newcomers to find like minded, be it for an exchange of scientific ideas or experiences in this country or just ideas for leisure activities.

So bring your own drink and food and some time to meet on

the video platform Zoom.

(meeting ID 94239549694, password 941864)

You can connect directly from your browser (for Firefox the latest version is required), but we recommend installing the
Zoom client for best audio and video quality.

You are encouraged to connect at least a few minutes before the start of the talk to check the connection. 

Prior registration is not necessary for this virtual Humboldt Salon, but we
will happily answer any questions you might have, please contact then

With kind regards,

Lutz Cleemann

Stefan Recksiegel and

 Evi Vogel
(Speakers of the Humboldt Club Munich)


11/02/2021 Humboldt-Club


Dear Humboldtians,

on behalf of the Munich Regional Group of the Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer, we  cordially invite you to the virtual Humboldt Salon on


Thursday, February 11th, 2021, starting 19:45h (the lecture will start at 20:00h) During the Salon a lecture will be given by Prof. Dr. Henrike Lähnemann, Professor of Medieval German in the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, University of Oxford/UK with a talk on:


"The Nuns´ Network: Letters and Prayers from Late Medieval Northern Germany"


The presentation gives insight into a collaborative project run between Düsseldorf, Wolfenbüttel and Oxford which aims to make accessible the letter books of the Benedictine nuns of Lüne Abbey near Lüneburg. The collection of almost 1800 letters in Latin, Low German, and a specific Low German-Latin mixed language considerably expands the corpus of texts that were independently written by women in the Middle Ages. The edition brings to light a late medieval culture of letters and provides insights into a wide range of topics – from ordering building material via theological debates to advice on family matters. The edition is made available open access

For an introduction, look at the documentary


We will use the video platform Zoom.

(meeting ID 94239549694, password 941864)


You can connect directly from your browser (for Firefox the latest version is required), but we recommend installing the Zoom client for best audio and video quality.

You are encouraged to connect at least a few minutes before the start of the talk to check the connection. Unfortunately, as we do not yet meet at the IBZ, you still have to provide your own wine and cheese. Prior registration is not necessary for this virtual Humboldt Salon, but we

will happily answer any questions you might have, please contact then


With kind regards,

Stefan Recksiegel and Evi Vogel

(Humboldt Club Munich)


17/11/2020 Humboldt-Club


Dear Humboldtians,


on behalf of the Munich Regional Group of the Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer, we cordially invite you to our *virtual* Humboldt Salon on November 17th, starting at 19.30h, directly after our RG Munich Mitgliederversammlung. 


During the Salon a lecture will be given by Dr. Evi Vogel on "Perception and Communication of Environmental Risks“.


For an effective risk communication different aspects of how the public perceives risks have to be taken into account. In this presentation examples of the perception of various environmental risks will be given.

Especially the differences in perception between lay people and experts have to be addressed in risk communication. However, consideration also has to be given e.g. to when, where or with whom communication is made. Therefore it is not easy to deduce recipes for good communication from existing examples or from research.

Experience as well as intuition is needed to find an appropriate approach.

Evi Vogel is the head of the section “Protection from non-ionising radiation and noise, emission aspects of motors and fuels” in the Bavarian Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection.


Venue: Zoom


Date: Tuesday, November 17th, 2020, 19:30h

Meeting-ID: 505 323 1713 Password: Humboldt


You are encouraged to connect at 19:30h sharp, because of our prior meeting on the same channel.

Registration is not necessary for this virtual salon, but we will happily answer any questions you might have at


With kind regards,


Lutz Cleemann and Stefan Recksiegel

(Humboldt Club Munich) 


17/09/2020 Humboldt-Club


Dear Humboldtians,


on behalf of the Munich Regional Group of the Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer, we cordially invite you to the Salon on September 17th. Since it is still not possible to have a "regular" Salon at the IBZ with social interactions, we will stick with the virtual format. Lutz Cleemann, the president of the DGH, will give a talk on


“Corona: Die Stunde der Wissenschaft”


During the last months, more than 15 million people followed the podcast of Christian Drosten, a virologist from the Charité in Berlin, to learn abstract scientific details about the Corona virus like reproduction rates, infection probabilities and ratio of population versus infections and deaths rates.

This broad interest in science is much in contrast to the observation before the Corona crisis, that not more than 13% of the German people fully trust science.

Obviously, the Corona-Crisis not only changed rather dramatically our personal and social life. Within a few months the threat of Corona also turned the attitude of the Germans towards science in general in a rather remarkable way.

The „Institut für Demoskopie Allensbach (IfD Allensbach)“ investigated this unexpected trend systematically. In his talk, Lutz Cleemann, will present this representative Allensbach survey published first in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung from July 2020.


Dedicated to science and research this issue might be of particular interest for all Humboldtians.

The presentation will be given in German.


Like the last two times, you can connect to the Zoom session by clicking on

(meeting ID 94239549694, password 941864, Thursday Sep 17th, 19:30h)


You can connect directly from your browser (for firefox the latest version is required), but we recommend installing the Zoom client for best audio and video quality.


We hope you will join us for this very topical subject.


With kind regards,          Stefan Recksiegel (Humboldt Club Munich)


Lutz Cleemann studied Physics at the University of Cologne and investigated the nuclear dynamics of medium heavy nuclei. He holds a PhD in Nuclear Physics and had been Feodor-Lynen-Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in 1981/82 at the Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN, USA .

In 1983 Lutz Cleemann became managing director of the VDI Technology Centre "Physical Technologies" in Düsseldorf, an agency and think tank of the VDI in the fields of future technologies, technology assessment and technology transfer.

In 1993 he joined the Allianz SE insurance group as director of the Allianz Center for Technology, a subsidiary of Allianz for technical failure investigation and risk analysis and became head of the Allianz International Strategy Team on Sustainable Development. After his retirement in 2008, Lutz Cleemann became Senior Advisor for the Allianz Group and chairman of the Financial Forum “Climate Change, Financial Markets and Innovation” and supported the establishment of the Climate Service Center (CSC) in Hamburg.

Today, Lutz Cleemann is the second speaker of the DGH Regional Group in Munich and since 2017 President of the “Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer” (DGH). 


With kind regards,


Stefan Recksiegel and Lutz Cleemann

(Humboldt Club Munich) 


16/06/(2020 Humboldt-Club


Dear Humboldtians,

on behalf of the Munich Regional Group of the Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer, we cordially invite you to the Salon on June 16th. Just like the very successful Salon in May where Wolfram Koepf gave a talk about the History of the Zero (recording: this salon will be a virtual meeting with Zoom.


You can connect by clicking on the URL

(meeting ID 94239549694, password 941864)


You can connect directly from your browser (for firefox the latest version is required), but we recommend installing the Zoom client for best audio and video quality.


During the Salon a lecture will be given by Prof. Andre Platzer on Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems

Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) combine cyber capabilities, such as computation or communication, with physical capabilities, such as motion or other physical processes. Cars, aircraft, and robots are prime examples, because they move physically in space in a way that is determined by discrete computerized control algorithms. Designing these algorithms is challenging due to their tight coupling with physical behavior, while it is vital that these algorithms be correct because we rely on them for safety-critical tasks. This talk gives a brief introduction to the logical foundations for developing cyber-physical systems.



Date:  Tuesday, June 16th, 2020, 19:30h


You are encouraged to connect at least 15min before the start of the talk to check the connection and socialise a bit. Unfortunately, you will have to provide your own wine and cheese. Prior registration is not necessary for this virtual salon, but we will happily answer any questions you might have at


With kind regards,


Stefan Recksiegel and Lutz Cleemann

(Humboldt Club Munich) 


Please find a link to the video of the meeting here.


05/05/2020 Humboldt Club



on behalf of the Munich Regional Group of the Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer, we cordially invite you to the Salon on May 5th which, unfortunately, cannot take place in the IBZ as usual.


We will try something new and have a virtual meeting with Zoom instead. 


Please click on the URL:


to join the meeting. No need to install the Zoom client, just click "join from your browser" / "treten Sie über Ihren Browser bei".


We would appreciate it if you share your own video and audio so that we can have a proper discussion. (We will mute your audio during the lecture.) The password is 941864 (but it is also encoded in the URL). During the Salon a lecture will be given by Prof. Wolfram Koepf, the treasurer of the Humboldt Club, on the subject of


The History of the Zero


Nowadays, we all are very familiar with the number zero. However this was not the case for an astonishingly long time! For the ancient philosophers and mathematicians the natural numbers were very important. For example the Pythagoreans had the slogan "Everything is Number", and this referred to positive integers and their ratios. However, they did not approach zero. Even the hexadecimal number representations of the Babylonians to basis 60 missed the place value zero for a long time. After the invention of the digit zero the number zero was still far away. These two entities refer to completely different concepts.

This talk presents the history of zero, proof of God's existence inclusive, gives many historical facts, and shows the effects of a world without zero until today.



Date:  Tuesday, May 5th, 2020, 19:30h


You are encouraged to connect at least 15min before the start of the talk to check the connection and socialise a bit. Unfortunately, you will have to provide your own wine and cheese this time.

Prior registration is not necessary for this virtual salon, but we will happily answer any questions you might have at


With kind regards,

Stefan Recksiegel and Lutz Cleemann



Please find a link to the video of the meeting here.


22/01/2020 Humboldt-Club


Dear Humboldtians,


On behalf of the Munich Regional Group of the Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer, we cordially invite you to the Salon on Jan 22nd which takes place in the Internationales Begegnungszentrum München (IBZ), as usual.

During the Salon a lecture will be given by Dr. Arianna Soldation the subject of 


Munich´s Lab Volcanoes


Abstract: Volcanoes are complex, dynamic systems. There are therefore significant advantages to reproducing and studying volcanic processes in a laboratory setting. LMU is a world hub for experimental volcanology. My research here focuses on lava flows,  which constantly build new land, yet constitute a hazard for millions of people and their property worldwide. Through high-temperature rheological experiments I am determining the conditions under which lava flows stop flowing, and investigating the factors that drive it.


Venue: Internationales Begegnungszentrum München (IBZ - Amalienstr. 38, 80799 München)

Date: Wednesday, Jan 22nd, 2020, 19:30h


As usual, there will be wine and cheese before the talk and a chance to continue the discussion with the speaker after the talk. If you want to join us, please register by sending an email to so that we can plan accordingly. If you know any new Humboldt fellows that might not yet be on our list, please forward this invitation to them.

The planned dates for the next Humboldt Salons are May 5th, June 16th, September 17th, October 15th and November 16th. We will send detailed invitations about 1 1/2 weeks before the salons.


With kind regards,


Stefan Recksiegel and Lutz Cleemann

(Humboldt Club Munich) 


25/11/2019 Humboldt-Club


Dear Humboldtians, 


On behalf of the Munich Regional Group of the Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer, we cordially invite you to the Salon on Nov 25th which takes place in the Internationales Begegnungszentrum München (IBZ), as usual. During the Salon a lecture will be given by Dr. Cesare Tronci, currently Humboldt fellow at the MPI for Plasma Physics in Garching:


Nuclear fusion and magnetized plasmas as a general framework for mathematical modeling in multi-physics systems


As current times are making us face dramatic energetic problems, nuclear fusion emerges as one of the long-standing challenges in science, as it promises to provide a practically endless source of energy. While different options exist to achieve fusion, this talk starts by providing a short introduction to magnetic confinement fusion, which involves electrically charged particles (plasma) confined to move within time-varying electromagnetic fields possessing a certain configuration. This interaction of charged particles and electromagnetic fields makes magnetized plasmas an exciting framework for the study of physical systems in which several distinct phenomena with different nature need to be considered at the same time. Then, the second part of this talk will illustrate how plasma physics offers a unique opportunity for the development of new mathematical descriptions in which different physical models are coupled together into hybrid approaches for multi-physics systems.


Venue: Internationales Begegnungszentrum München (IBZ - Amalienstr. 38, 80799 München)

Date:     Monday, Nov 25th, 2019, 19:30h


As usual, there will be wine and cheese before the talk and a chance to continue the discussion with the speaker after the talk. 


If you want to join us, please register by sending an email to so that we can plan accordingly. If you know any new Humboldt fellows that might not yet be on our list, please forward this invitation to them.


With kind regards,


Stefan Recksiegel and Lutz Cleemann

(Humboldt Club Munich) 


23/10/2019 Humboldt-Club


Dear Humboldtians, 


On behalf of the Munich Regional Group of the Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer, we cordially invite you to the Salon on Oct 23rd which takes place in the Internationales Begegnungszentrum München (IBZ), as usual.

During the Salon a lecture will be given by Prof. Susanne S. Renner on


What we know and don’t know about Humboldt’s botanical collections


The literature concerning the travels of Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859) and Aimé Bonpland (1773-1858) is  enormous. Despite this extensive scholarship, we do not know the current whereabouts of roughly half the botanical specimens they collected, which also means we do not know where precisely these plants were collected. My talk will explain why this is the case and highlight recent insights about Humboldt’s fake plant locations on the Chimborazo.


As usual, there will be wine and cheese before the talk and a chance to continue the discussion with the speaker after the talk.

If you want to join us, please register by sending an email to so that we can plan accordingly.


Venue: Internationales Begegnungszentrum München, (IBZ - Amalienstr. 38, 80799 München)

Date: Wednesday, Oct 23rd, 2019, 19:30h 


With kind regards,

Stefan Recksiegel and Lutz Cleemann

(Humboldt Club Munich) 


26/09/2019 Humboldt-Club


Dear Humboldtians,


On behalf of the Regional Group Munich of the Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer we cordially invite you to the Humboldt Salon in September 26, 2019, which takes place in the Internationales Begegnungszentrum München (IBZ), as usual.

During the Salon a lecture will be given by Dr. Diletta Gamberini, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Art History on


Artists as Poets in Renaissance Florence, 1537-1587


Art historians, cultural historians, and literary scholars have recently identified in the figure of the doctus artifex, the learned artist who was engaged in activities traditionally assigned to the domain of the liberal arts, a key to understanding the momentous rise of the social status of the practitioners of the visual arts in early modern Europe.

The writings of Italian Renaissance painters, sculptors, architects, and goldsmiths have been, in this regard, a focus of great attention. However, while the prose works that these authors penned have typically been studied as crucial evidence of their intellectual self-consciousness, the role of poetry as a site of discourse on issues relevant to art-making has received far more sporadic consideration.

In my talk, then, I aim to shed some light of the cross-fertilization between poetic and artistic praxes in that cultural domain. I will do this by focusing on the Florentine milieu under the fifty-year rule of Cosimo I and Francesco I de’ Medici (1537-1587). Because its artists were more systemically engaged with articulating their professional concerns in literary products than those from any other context in Renaissance Italy, this scene makes an ideal setting from which to sort out the ways in which these authors adapted, transformed, and repurposed the poetic medium to create new meanings that were of specific interest to art-making.

I will touch upon a set of interconnected questions: in what ways does such a literary production relate to concerns that were central to the practice of the visual arts? More specifically, what does it tell us about these writers’ intellectual models, cultural networks, professional relationships, and search for patronage?

Dr. Diletta Gamberini is Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University München and a philologist and literary scholar by training. Her research interests focus on the intersections of literature and the visual arts in early modern Italy.


Before coming to Munich as a Humboldt postdoctoral fellow in the Art History Department of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, she taught medieval and Renaissance Italian literature at Middlebury College's School in Italy and received fellowships from Villa I Tatti -- The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, Columbia University’s Italian Academy for Advanced Studies, and the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz.


Venue:          Internationales Begegnungszentrum München (IBZ – Amalienstr.  38, 80799 München)

Date:             Thursday, September 26, 2019, 19:30


As usual, snacks and beverages will be available, kindly sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. In order to facilitate preparations, we kindly ask you to confirm participation and indicate the number of persons attending the Salon, by Friday, September 20, 2019, to


With kind regards,

Stefan Recksiegel and Lutz Cleemann

(Humboldt Club Munich)


06/05/2019 Humboldt-Club


Dear Humboldtians,


On behalf of the Munich Regional Group of the Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer, we cordially invite you to the Salon on June 5th which takes place in the Internationales Begegnungszentrum München (IBZ), as usual. During the Salon a lecture will be given by Viachaslau Yarashevich on


"Competitiveness and Eurasian integration" 


Originally an object of microeconomic analysis, competitiveness has in recent decades entered new economic arenas, most prominently the international political economy. Indeed, if understood beyond a popular yet rather narrow perspective of low costs, national (or macro-) competitiveness can be seen as a measure of well-being status in the global division of labour. It is determined foremost by the capacity to provide universally high living standards based on internally sustainable economic growth in any external environment. Essentially, macrocompetitiveness reflects the power of social capital to generate innovations and transform them into technological rents. Manufacturing and social sectors, working in tandem, play a special role here, particularly in the current global economic setting, characterized as the new industrial revolution. Yet in the post-communist world their potential was severely damaged due to rapid liberalization and restructuring not backed up by institutional development, which is also true for the members of the Eurasian Economic Union launched in 2015 by Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia, and in the same year joined by Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. Most of what has remained needs constant and costly modernization, which may seem affordable for larger resource-rich EAEU members, but is certainly more problematic for their smaller partners. Indeed, their very survival as independent states depends on the rigour with which they can develop internationally competitive industries providing steady flows of added value to upkeep social facilities inherited from the communist era, as well as stable employment opportunities for those who need them locally. With aging populations typically lacking appetite for entrepreneurship yet featuring inflated expectations from their governments, robust manufacturing and social sectors in the EAEU, prioritized in a coherent competitiveness agenda, can have wider political economy effects, too, helping to sustain electoral demand for democratic governance.


As usual, there will be wine and cheese before the talk and a chance to continue the discussion with the speaker after the talk. If you want to join us, please register by sending an email to so that we can plan accordingly.


With kind regards,


Stefan Recksiegel and Lutz Cleemann

(Humboldt Club Munich) 


07/05/2019 Humboldt-Club


Dear Humboldtians,


On behalf of the Munich Regional Group of the Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer, we cordially invite you to the Salon on May 7th which takes place in the Internationales Begegnungszentrum München (IBZ), as usual. 


During the Salon a lecture will be given by Nil Palabiyik on Learning Turkish in Renaissance Europe, 1544–1680


Early modern Europe witnessed a burgeoning interest in the Turkish culture and history, which gave rise to a significant oriental influence in the arts, fashion, literature and music. The popular but fragmented portrayals of the 'image of the Turk' have long been scrutinized. An unexplored area remains the study of Turkish language for scholarly purposes. My talk explores the intriguing relationship between Europe and the Ottoman Empire through the medium of Turkish language aids and reference works, including lexica, grammars and phrasebooks. By tracing the circumstances of their production, their circulation, provenance, previous owners, use and reception, I seek to contribute to a better understanding of history of western knowledge of, and attitudes towards the Ottoman Empire at a formative period in the history of both regions.


As usual, there will be wine and cheese before the talk and a chance to continue the discussion with the speaker after the talk. If you want to join us, please register by sending an email to so that we can plan accordingly.


Venue: Internationales Begegnungszentrum München (IBZ - Amalienstr. 38, 80799 München)

Date: Tuesday, May 7th, 2019, 19:30h


With kind regards,


Stefan Recksiegel and Lutz Cleemann

(Humboldt Club Munich) 

09/04/2019 Humboldt-Club


Dear Humboldtians, 


On behalf of the Regional Group Munich of the Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer, we cordially invite you to our next Humboldt Salon on Tuesday, April 9, 2019. It is organized as a guided tour (in English) in the Kunsthalle Munich through the exhibition „Samurai - Pracht des japanischen Rittertums“.


Even 150 years after the samurai culture was extinguished, its fascination remains undiminished. The samurai legends are tales of honour and discipline, unquestioning loyalty and absolute self-sacrifice – interwoven with betrayal, intrigue and brutal violence.The presentation at Haus der Kunst is the most comprehensive and wideranging survey of Sundaram’s work at a European institution.

Ann and Gabriel Barbier-Mueller have amassed one of the world’s most outstanding collections of samurai armour, helmets, masks and horse tack, dating from the 7th to the 19th centuries, which is now being presented in Germany for the first time. Featuring in excess of 100 objects, the exhibition brings the spellbinding history of Japanese chivalry to life.


The tour will take place *Tuesday, April 9.* Please join us 17:40 (*sharp!*) at the counter of the museum to buy tickets. The tour ends about 19:15.

The guided tour will be financially sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. The entrance fee of the museum (14 Euro) has to be paid individually.


Venue: Kunsthalle der Hypo-Kulturstiftung, Theatinerstr. 8, 80333 München

Date:     Tuesday, April 9, 2019, start of the tour 17:45 sharp

In order to facilitate the organization, we would like to ask you to confirm participation and indicate the number of persons attending the guided tour to


With kind regards,

Lutz Cleemann and Stefan Recksiegel

(Humboldt Club Munich) 


 24/01/2019 Humboldt Club


Dear Humboldtians,

On behalf of the Munich Regional Group of the Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer we cordially invite you to the Salon on January 24th which takes place in the Internationales Begegnungszentrum München (IBZ), as usual. During the Salon a lecture will be given by Prof. Luke Olang (Technical University of Kenya, Nairobi) on: 


"Regional Initiatives in Climate and Drought Monitoring in the Horn of Africa".

Luke Olang is a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Technology of the Technical University of Kenya. He holds a PhD from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna. His research interests are in water resource management studies that attempt to understand hydrological variability within the coupled terrestrial water, energy and agricultural cycles. This includes the intersection of human activities and translation of the derived knowledge to improve management of the concerned bio-geo-chemical systems. Luke Olang has published in the larger area of climate change adaptation within the water resources sector, and is presently leading regional initiatives towards enhanced and integrated drought risk management within the Greater Horn of Africa region. As usual, there will be wine and cheese before the talk and a chance to continue the discussion with the speaker after the talk.


If you want to join us, please register by sending an email to so that we can plan accordingly.


Venue: Internationales Begegnungszentrum München (IBZ - Amalienstr. 38, 80799 München)

Date:  Thursday, January 24th, 2019, 19:30h


With kind regards,


Stefan Recksiegel and Lutz Cleemann

(Humboldt Club Munich) 


13/01/2018 Humboldt Club: Visit to ESO Supernova in Garching on Sunday, Jan 13th


Dear Humboldtians,


On behalf of the Regional Group Munich of the Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer, we cordially invite you to our next Humboldt Salon on January 13th, 2019, which will be a visit to ESO Supernova in Garching.


There will a show in the planetarium (in German, but headphones with English translation are available), then we will have a guided tour (in English) through the distinctive building that opened earlier this year.


The planetarium show will start at 12:30, participants should buy their own tickets (5 Euro/person).


The guided tour (most probably sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt foundation) is limited to 25 participants. Since it is usually rather difficult to get into one of these tours, we expect the places to fill up quickly, so the places will be distributed on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED basis. Please register by December 15th by sending an email to .


Best wishes,


Stefan Recksiegel  and  Lutz Cleemann

(Humboldt Club Munich)


27/11/2018 Humboldt-Salon und Jahreshauptversammlung 2018 der Regionalgruppe München


Im Rahmen des Humboldt-Salons im internationalen Begegnungszentrum München (IBZ) hielt Prof. Dr. Frank Heidemann (Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) einen Vortrag zum Thema: "Between Maldives and Lakshadweep – Minicoy´s History „in-between“.


Inhalte des Vortrages (Englisch):

Minicoy, locally called Maliku, is the most southern island of the Lakshadweep. Once it belonged to the sultanate of the Maldives, and today it marks the south-west maritime boundary of India. The people of Maliku are Muslims and follow matrilineal and matrilocal kinship rules. Most men work internationally as seamen, or - after an early retirement from commercial seafaring - locally as fishermen. They maintain a high reputation in their economic field and never complained about under-employment. As a decisive aspect of their economic success, I would suggest, is the seaman’s ethos. Sailing and fishing appears as the privileged (or even only) way for a young man to come up in life. In songs, proverbs and narratives the ocean appears as a male arena, a space of (or for) working, longing, competition, and (formerly) decapitation. Trade goods, fish and cash, come from the ocean. In the seamen´s perception, there is no dichotomy of land and sea, but rather a continuum of village, coconut-plantation, lagoon, atoll and open sea.

Frank Heidemann is professor for social and cultural anthropology at the University of Munich. His research interests include politics, religion, indigeneity, social aesthetics, visual anthropology and the history of anthropology. Most of his fieldwork was based in South India and Sri Lanka, especially in the Nilgiri Hills, on the Andaman Islands, and more recently on the Lakshadweeps. After his habilitation on politics and religion of the Badaga people (Akka bakka, 2006, Berlin, Lit) he authored an introduction to Ethnology (2013, in German, utb, Vandenhook and Ruprecht), and co-edited „Manifestations of History. Time, Space and Community in the Andaman Islands“ (with P. Zehmisch, Primus 2016), „The Bison and Its Horn. Indigeneity, Performance and the State in South Asia“ (with R. Wolf, Asian Ethnology, 2014) and „The Modern Anthropology of India“ (with Peter Berger, Routledge 2013). On social aesthetics, atmosphere, proximity, and social proprioception he published in Aesthetics (2013 (23, 1,) 49-67) and in A. Grieser’s and J. Johnston’s Aesthetics of Religion (2017 Berlin, De Gruyter, 457-67).


Nach dem Vortrag wurde bei Snacks und Getränken (gestiftet von der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung) intensiv über die Inhalte diskutiert.


Im Anschluss fand die Jahreshauptversammlung der Regionalgruppe München statt. Hier wurde Stefan Recksiegel zum 1. Sprecher als Nachfolger von Jörn Kruhl gewählt sowie Lutz Cleemann als 2. Sprecher wiedergewählt. Beide nahmen die Wahl an.


Stefan Recksiegel  studierte Theoretische Physik in Bielefeld, Birmingham und Karlsruhe. Während seines Studiums war er aktiv in der europäischen Studentenorganisation AEGEE, deren Ehrenmitglied er ist. Als PostDoc forschte er zwei Jahre mit einem JSPS Fellowship am japanischen Hochenergieforschungszentrum KEK in Tsukuba. Er kam 2003 an die TU München, wo er seit 2006 als akademischer Rat für die IT in Wissenschaft und Lehre verantwortlich ist. Stefan Recksiegel ist seit 2015 Mitglied der DGH.


Veranstaltungen 2018


16/01/2018 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Rania Hassen 

“Objective image quality assessment: what, why, and how?”


19/04/2018 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Robert E. Page Jr.

„The "spirit of the hive" and how honeybee societies evolve“


06/06/2018 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Herman Wasserman

„South African media after apartheid: local contests, global shifts“


20/09/2018 Führung durch die Ausstellung "Disjunctures“ von Vivan Sundaram (Haus der Kunst München) mit anschließendem Treffen im IBZ


23/10/2018 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Florian Lhuillier

„Exploring the Earth’s magnetic field through times”


27/11/2018 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Frank Heidemann

“Between Maldives and Lakshadweep – Minicoy´s history 'in-between' ”


27/11/2018 Jahresversammlung (IBZ München) 

30/6-1/72018 Nördlinger Ries 

Altstadtführung, Rieskratermuseum, 'Daniel', diverse Aufschlüsse

Veranstaltungen 2017


06/02/2017 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Ilya Berkovich

“The Hospital of St John in Jerusalem: the Crusader site and its subsequent history”


08/03/2017 Führung durch den Forschungsreaktor FRM2 in Garching


19/04/2017 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Jason Dexter

“Imaging a black hole”


12/06/2017 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Gerhard Kramer

“Information theory and applications to optical fiber”


24/06/2017 Tour Salzburg

Altstadt-Führung, Festung Hohensalzburg


21/09/2017 Führung durch die Ausstellung Tilmann Riemenschneider (Bayerisches Nationalmuseum München) mit anschließendem Treffen im IBZ


17/10/2017 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Tomáš Lackner

“The origin and the evolution of sand-adaptation in a beetle subfamily”


22/11/2017 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Ander Egurtzegi

“Can speech errors become part of a language?”


22/11/2017 Jahresversammlung (IBZ München)

Veranstaltungen 2016


25/01/2016 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Karen Radner

„Exploring the Assyrian Empire (9th to 7th century BC) in Iraqi Kurdistan“


13/04/2016 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Bernhard Rieger

„The people's car: a global history of the Volkswagen Beetle“


04/06/2016 Tour Kochel

Franz Marc Museum (Führung), Walchensee-Kraftwerk (Führung)


20/06/2016 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Seth Stein

„German floods and Japanese earthquakes: Why don't communities prepare better for disaster”


19/09/2016 Führung durch die Residenz München mit anschließendem Treffen im IBZ


25/10/2016 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Paola Molino

„Irrung, Chaos, Unordnung: library catalogs and their functions in early modern central Europe”


29/11/2016 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Lakshminarayana Polavarapu

„Renewable energy technologies towards clean environment: governmental policies and economic impacts“


29/11/2016 Jahresversammlung (IBZ München)


13/12/2016 Tour Nürnberg 

Museum der Deutschen Bahn (Führung), Stadtrundfahrt, Christkindl-Markt

Veranstaltungen 2015


27/01/2015 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Sam Sanders

„From the foundations of mathematics to digital computers“


27/03/2015 Tour Zugspitze

Schneefernerhaus (Führung)


12/05/2015 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Ulrich Schreiber

„Highly precise determination of Earth rotation with gyroscopes: 100 years of inertial rotation sensing with optical Interferometry“


09/06/2015 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Ingo Hahn

“ Inselökologie und -biogeographie am Beispiel der Vögel des Juan Fernandez- Archipel“


17/09/2015 Führung durchs Museum Brandhorst

zum Thema „Andy Warhol" mit anschließendem Treffen im IBZ


13/10/2015 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag George D. Rose

„Everything you always wanted to know about protein folding (and a little more)”


18/11/2015 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Elena Skribnik

"Sprachen und Kulturen Sibiriens (... Was Sie immer über die Sprachen und Kulturen Sibiriens wissen wollten ...)“


18/11/2015 Jahresversammlung (IBZ München)


Veranstaltungen 2014 


30/01/2014 Führung durch die Münchner Altstadt mit anschließendem Treffen im IBZ


29/04/2014 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Wolfgang P. Schleich

“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image of the micro-cosmos”


21/06/2014 Tour Regensburg 

Führung durch die Altstadt, Domführung, Bootsfahrt auf der Donau


25/06/2014 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Lutz Cleemann

“Civil drone, driverless vehicles, robots – trends, benefits, concerns”


23/09/2014 Führung durch das Staatliche Museum Ägyptischer Kunst mit anschließendem Treffen im IBZ


13/10/2014 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Jörn H. Kruhl

“Surveying for the foundation of medieval towns”


15/11/2014 Tour Bamberg – Führung durch die Altstadt, Domführung 


18/11/2014 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Stephan Hartmann

“Scientific philosophy, science, and public policy”


18/11/2014 Jahresversammlung (IBZ München) 

Veranstaltungen 2013


29/01/2013 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Tülay Artan 

“The princess and her lover, artist-cum-architect-engineer, Antoine-Ignace Melling and the construction of the Defterdarburnu Palace on the Bosphorus, Istanbul (1791-1802)”


19/03/2013 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag I. Kessler-Wetzig

“The interaction of painting and politics: a complex interplay”


05/07/2013 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Bettina Reichenbacher

“Fish fossils – an exceptional source of information”


25/062013 Führung durch die Alte Pinakothek mit anschließendem Treffen im IBZ 22.10. Kunst im 'neuen' Lenbachhaus (Führung) mit anschließendem Treffen im IBZ


20-21/07/2013 Tour Früh/Vorgeschichte in Ulm und um Ulm herum

Ulmer Museum, Münster, Prähistorisches Museum Blaubeuren (Führung), Blautopf, abendliche Lichterserenade auf der Donau, Archäologischer Park Vogelherd (Führung), Charlottenhöhle in Hürben (Führung) 


26/11/2013 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Jousef Meri

“Muslim-Jewish-Christian relations in the Middle East: lessons from the past”


26/11/2013 Jahresversammlung (IBZ München) 

Veranstaltungen 2012


25/01/2012 Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung

(München / Nymphenburger Schloss): Vortrag Werner Lang (Lehrstuhl Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design TU München und Direktor des Oskar von Miller Forums): “Energy-efficient building as the key to a sustainable building culture”


16/06/2012 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Jörg Wernecke

 “Negative heuristic, or: why failure (sometimes) should be rewarded”


30-07/06/2012 Tour Schwäbische Alb 

Museum Hauff Holzmaden, Schieferbruch Kromer (Fossilien-Sammeln), Märklin-Museum Göppingen; Ulm


05/11/2012 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Stefan Recksiegel

“What is the Higgs”?


05/11/2012 Jahresversammlung (IBZ München)


117-18/11/2012 Tour Salzburg 

Führung durch Altstadt und Festung, Dinner mit Tafelmusik (Mozart), Salzbergwerk Hallein, Altstadtbummel

Veranstaltungen 2011


02/02/2011 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Jörn H. Kruhl

„Wine on rocks: an enological-geological excursion into the relationship between mineralogy and chemistry of rocks and taste of wine (with exercises)“


04/05/2011 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Jörn H. Kruhl

„Zeuge einer kosmischen Katastrophe: das Nördlinger Ries“


18-19/06/2011 Nördlinger Ries - Steinbrüche


Rieskrater-Museum, Stadtführung


26/102011 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Lutz Cleemann

„Corporate sustainability strategies – drivers, benchmarks and valuation”


26/10/2011 Jahresversammlung (IBZ München)


Veranstaltungen 2010


05/05/2010 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Karoline Kretzdorn

„Rettung für Schiffbrüchige oder Obolus für die Besten?“


28/06/2010 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Agnès Vokaer 

„Archaeological research in Syria, the Roman city of Apamea”


27/09/2010 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Markus Palenberg

“Value for money in der Entwicklungshilfe” 01.12. Hans-Peter Eckle: „Good scientific practice or what can we learn about these principles from cases where they have been violated?”


16/11/2010 Humboldt-Salon Vortrag Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung

(München / Nymphenburger Schloss): Vortrag Norbert Bischoff (Department Psychologie; LMU München): “Was ist spezifisch menschlich? – What is specifically human?” Humboldt Salon (IBZ München):



29-30/10/2010 DGH-Jahrestagung im Oskar von Miller Forum München


01/12/2010 Jahresversammlung (IBZ München)

Veranstaltungen 2009


01/02/2009 Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung

(München / Nymphenburger Schloss): Vortrag Liqui Meng (Vizepräsidentin TUM München): „Scientists and international network“


22/07/2009 Deutsches Museum München

'Hinter den Kulissen' (Besuch der Werkstätten)


24/09/2009 Jahresversammlung (IBZ München)

Veranstaltungen 2008


09/06/2008 Gründungsversammlung

im Internationalen Begegnungszentrum (IBZ) München


18/11/2008 Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung

Vortrag Wolfgang M. Heckl (Generaldirektor Deutsches Museum, München): „Germany – a country of innovation & technology“ im Nymphenburger Schloss