Regionalgruppe München


Dr. Stefan Recksiegel








Dr. Evi Vogel








zukünftige Veranstaltungen

Gewesene Veranstaltungen

Excursion to Lake Tegernsee. on Friday, September 13, 2024


Wintereinbruch in den Alpen, daher war von den Bergen um den Tegernsee leider nicht viel zu sehen.


Dafür hatten wir das ganze Oberdeck des Ausflugschiffes für uns und konnten die Informationen des Kapitäns  zum See, den Anliegerorten und dem  Kloster Tegernsee der Runde auf Englisch weitergeben. Auch rege Unterhaltungen von Tisch zu Tisch waren gut möglich. Nach einer Stunde Fahrt gingen wir in Tegernsee an Land und direkt ins Bräustüberl, wo schon fast Oktoberfeststimmung herrschte. Es gab alle einschlägigen Gerichte von Schweinshaxn bis Apfelkiacherl und natürlich Bier aus dem eigenen Brauhaus, nur zu wesentlich gemäßigteren Preisen als auf der Wiesn.


Salon on June 18th


We met at the IBZ (Amalienstrasse) for a scientific talk with our customary reception with wine and cheese.

 During the Humboldt Salon on June 18th,

 Prof. Julio F. Navarro Lansdowne Science Professor, Univ. of Victoria, BC, Canada, gave a talk titled:


Dark Matter and Dark Energy: the nightmare of contemporary Physics 


Modern Physics represents the culmination of centuries of intellectual efforts devoted to comprehending the elementary nature of the matter and energy content of the Universe and of the principles that regulate their interactions. Our understanding of the laws of Physics allows us to manipulate atoms and fundamental particles, to visit asteroids, comets and planets, as well as to explain why the Sun shines, and how stars are born and die. However, these very laws fail when we try to explain the origin of the Universe, its evolution, or the inventory of its contents. Neither the matter thar dominates the Universe is the matter we know and study in laboratories, nor the energy that will determine the Universe’s fate is what we expected it to be. I will try to summarize briefly how Cosmology has become the frontier of our physical understanding of the fundamental laws of Nature.

Prof. Svetlana Suveica gave a talk titled "Russia's War against Ukraine: Historical Backgrounds".

In February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine, leading to an ongoing war with major consequences for the country. The presentation delves into the intricate historical narratives surrounding Ukraine's statehood, tracing its origins in the Kyivan Rus', and examining the impacts of Russian imperial policies, as well as key events of the  Soviet era, such as the Holodomor and World War II. Furthermore, it explores the post-Soviet era, characterized by tensions, culminating in Russia's annexation of Crimea and military intervention in Eastern Ukraine in 2014, which has escalated into the current war. Additionally, the role of symbolic warfare and propaganda in the conflict, with implications stretching beyond Ukraine to neighbouring Moldova and the wider region, will be reflected upon.

Exkursion der Regionalgruppe München nach Freising und Weihenstephan am 19. April 2024:

Der Führung durch Freising mit Domberg und abschließend hinauf nach Weihenstephan zur weltweit ältesten Bierbrauerei folgten 25 wetterfeste Teilnehmer. Im Bräustüberl bei deftigen Gerichten  und vor Ort gebrauten Bieren wurde noch lange angeregt diskutiert. Insgesamt also ein feuchtfröhlicher Ausflug.

 Excursion to Freising and Weihenstephan, Friday, April 19th, 2024

 The city of Freising is much older than Munich, written documentation goes back more than 1300 years. Weihenstephan has the oldest known brewing rights in the world, dating from the year 1040.

AvH generously agreed to cover the costs for the guided tour and the dinner (food and drink together max. 30 Euros per person) in the Bräustüberl of the Brewery Weihenstephan.

The excursion is also open for family members and partners.


Planned timetable:

To get there, either take a regional  train from Munich Main Station, which takes about 30 mins or the S Bahn S1 which takes about 40 mins to Freising Train Station.

From there you have a 10 to 15 mins walk to the center of Freising. We meet at the Tourist Information Freising, Rindermarkt 20.

My husband Jürgen and me will be at the Tourist Information Freising  with a big multicolored umbrella and collect your signatures before we can buy the tickets and start the tour at 15.30, so please be there no later than 15.15.

Our guides will give us a tour of about 90 mins through Freising,  ending at the Bräustüberl, Weihenstephaner Berg 10 in Weihenstephan.

We will have dinner at the Bräustüberl.


To get back to the Train Station in Freising, the closest Busstop is "Weihenstephaner Berg " where Bus X660 leaves every 40 mins from 18.07 on and takes about 10 mins. Bus 638 leaves every 15 mins from the stop "Weihenstephan" in  Vôttingerstrasse and takes about 15 mins to Freising Train Station.



Please register each person attending until Sunday, March 17, 2024  by sending me an email with the following Information:--

- Last Name

- First Name

- Institution/Affiliation

- Humboldtian or family member or other

- Email.

Maximum number is 40, so first come , first served.


See you soon


Evi Vogel

(one of the speakers of the Humboldt Club Munich)

Humboldt Salon 25. Januar 2024

 “Applications of AI Systems in Science and …  – Expectations and Experiences - ”

 Time: Thursday, January 25th, 2024 from 7:30 p.m

 Location: IBZ at Amalienstrasse 38, 80799 Munich.

Programm Humboldt Salon 250124.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 195.2 KB

Salon December 5th 2023,
on behalf of the Munich Regional Group of the Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer, we cordially invite you to our "Salon" on December 5th. Just like last year, for our last event of the year, instead of a scientific talk, we will visit the Künstlerweihnachtsmarkt an der Münchner Freiheit
together. We believe that this will be a very nice experience especially for our international Humboldt fellows. The Humboldt foundation kindly agreed to sponsor some Glühwein (mulled wine) and of course also non- alcoholic hot spiced fruit juice.
We will meet at 19:00 on Tuesday the 5th in the centre of the Christmas market between the "Schwabinger Jagerteehütt'n" (G5 on the attached map) and the stage. I am almost 2m tall and I will bring my red Santa Claus hat, so you should be able to find us.
If you want to join us, please send an email to so that I can organise a sufficient number of vouchers for the mulled wine.
With kind regards,
Evi Vogel, Lutz Cleemann and Stefan Recksiegel (Humboldt Club Munich)

Trip to Frauen- and Herreninsel / Lake Chiemsee on Saturday, Sept. 23, 2023.


AvH generously agreed to cover the costs for the boat trip and a lunch on Fraueninsel. Numerous activities on both islands are possible on your own after lunch.


Exkursion der Regionalgruppe München am 23. September 2023 an den Chiemsee


Trotz der längeren Anfahrt haben 50 Personen an unserem Tagesausflug an den Chiemsee teilgenommen.

Mit dem Boot ging es zunächst auf die Fraueninsel, dort haben wir uns im Klosterwirt gestärkt und in kleineren Gruppen danach die Insel erkundet.

Die herrlichen Gärten, die Klosterkirche, die karolingische Torhalle und die uralten Linden wurden bewundert. Danach ging es weiter zur Herreninsel. Dort konnte jeder nach Belieben entweder das königliche Schloss Herrenchiemsee besichtigen oder das Augustiner Chorherrenstift oder einfach nur die Insel erforschen.

Ein volles Programm mit vielen Highlights.


Salon on October 25th.


We will meet in person at the IBZ (Amalienstrasse) for a scientific talk with our customary reception with wine and cheese. During the Humboldt Salon on October 25th,

     Paweł Figurski         will give a talk titled

    "Medieval Liturgy and the Making of Poland:  A Study in Premodern State-Formation"

 In modern historiography, Polish state-formation was perceived as a gradual process stretching back to the eighth and ninth centuries. Today, as a result of the most recent excavations, the formation of the first Polish realm is now viewed as the revolution that occurred within one/two generations living in the tenth century. Instead of largely consensual state-building, the emergence of Poland was marked by violent military actions, brutal subjugation of already existing communities, and large-scale slave trade of the conquered. The birth of Poland, instead of reflecting a Rousseauian consensus, now seems closer to Charles Tilly’s view on state-formation as an organized crime. Nevertheless, numerous early medieval sources expressed a highly positive assessment of the "regnum Poloniae". Therefore, the question that remains, which this paper seeks to answer, is: what enabled the perception of the early medieval Piast kingdom as a savior rather than a predator? It seems to me that the explanation of the process that led to the sacralization of Poland can be found in the realm usually overlooked in debates about medieval state-formation, namely, the Christian liturgy. In this paper, I will present how dozens of extant liturgical manuscripts enabled the transformation of the predatory warfare polity into the local embodiment of heavenly Jerusalem. Liturgical codices, imported with the first clerics to Poland, provide invaluable contributions to the transfer of ideas and knowledge between the emerging and the established Christianity. These sources will be analyzed with the newly created digital tool.

Salon at the IBZ on July 12th


On behalf of the Munich Regional Group of the Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer, we cordially invite you to our Salon. We will meet in person at the IBZ (Amalienstrasse) for a scientific talk with our customary reception with wine and cheese.We will meet at 19:30 for a get-together with wine and cheese. The talk will start around 20°°.


Dr. Kathleen Jepson, Institut fürPhonetik und Sprachverarbeitung, LMU, München will give a talk titled:


   "The phonetics and phonology of prosody in Australian languages"


Patterns of speech described for Australian languages from a phonological perspective (i.e., regarding the organisation of speech sounds) are often drawn upon to exemplify particular structural types in cross-linguistic research. On the other hand, phonetics (the study of speech acoustics, perception, and articulation) is underrepresented in research on the languages of Australia. The two fields of phonology and phonetics are closely linked; in view of phonetic evidence, some phonological findings have been challenged, highlighting the important role of phonetics in language description. My research sits within both fields, focusing on aspects of prosody. This includes word-level phenomena such as stress (i.e., the prominence of one syllable within a word), as well as sentence-level patterns such as intonation (i.e., the sentence-level meaningful modulation of pitch).


To understand the speech patterns and prosodic systems of Australia’s Indigenous languages, I work with people to make speech recordings and conduct listening experiments. In my research, I design experimental tasks that address particular questions about the sound system of the language, and travel to undertake fieldwork. This involves brining suitable recording equipment to collect data for analysis, and also connecting with people to form ongoing relationships. Using a range of methods, I analyse the collected audio recordings to describe the speech patterns and test hypotheses about the structure of the prosodic system.


In this talk I will discuss1) findings on aspects of word- and sentence-level prosody in Australian languages and their contribution to the cross-linguistic understanding of how languages can be structured, as well as 2) how this type of work is conducted.


Evi Vogel, Lutz Cleemann and Stefan Recksiegel

 (Humboldt Club Munich)

Exkursion der Regionalgruppe München am 16.Juni 2023 in den Botanischen Garten München


Bei bestem Wetter führten uns zwei kompetente Mitarbeiterinnen des Gartens "durch das Unterholz".

Die 31 Teilnehmer erhielten auf ihre Fragen  fachkundige Antworten und  hörten auch so einige amüsante Anektoden zur Geschichte des Gartens.

Im Anschluß saßen wir noch fast zwei Stunden im Café des Gartens zusammen und haben uns angeregt unterhalten.

Dear Humboldtians,

we offer you a guided tour through the Botanischer Garten München-Nymphenburg (Botanic Garden Munich) on Friday, June 16, 2023.

AvH generously agreed to cover the costs for the entrance fee, the guided tour and a joint coffee break after the tour.

The excursion is also open for family members and partners.


Planned timetable:

To get there, take Munich MVV tram 17 and get-off at the tram stop “Botanischer Garten”, which is directly opposite the garden entrance at Menzinger Str. 65, Munich.

Mind: Finding a parking nearby is not easy.

We will meet in front of the cashier desk not later than 13.45 h, so that I can buy the entrance tickets for all of you and the two guided tours I booked can start at 14.00 h.

After the tour, at approx. 15.00 h, we join all  for some refreshments in the Garden’s Café.

The Botanic Garden is open until 18.00 h, so after the refreshments you can still visit the glasshouses or the more remote parts of the garden.



Please register each person attending until Wed., June 7  by sending me an email with the following Information:

-         Last Name

-         First Name

-         Institution/Affiliation

-         Humboldtian or family member or other

-         Email.


There will be two guided tours of max. 20 persons each, so first come, first served.

See you soon



Evi Vogel

(one of the speakers of the Humboldt Club Munich)














Tefera Tadesse during his talk May 9th

Salon on May 9th


On behalf of the Munich Regional Group of the Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer, we cordially invite you to our Salon on May 9th. We will meet in person at the IBZ (Amalienstrasse) for a scientific talk with our customary reception with wine and cheese.

Tefera Tadesse will give a talk titled:
The impacts of Covid-19 on personal, academic, and research experiences of Ethiopian postgraduate students in healthcare professions
Postgraduate students are supposed to demonstrate higher competencies, independence, and multidisciplinary approaches while shouldering family responsibilities, and they may absorb the larger magnitude of COVID-19-induced shocks than other university students. However, the literature about the impact of COVID-19 on postgraduate students, particularly health professionals, is somewhat limited, and those limited studies focus on nurses and doctors in clinical settings. Thus, other health professions and non-clinical settings are far less noticeable. Also, existing literature shows the lack of a coherent framework, subsuming a set of interrelated dimensions, to explore the impacts of COVID-19 on postgraduate students. With this study, we attempted to address these shortcomings by comprehensively assessing postgraduate students’ personal, academic, and research experiences across sociodemographic groups. Findings indicate that the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted their health and well-being and significantly disrupted progress toward their degrees. We provide general recommendations to mitigate challenges and enhance the capacity of individuals and universities.


We will meet at 19:30 for a get-together with wine and cheese, the talk will start around 20:00.

Please send an email to if you want to participate so we can arrange appropriate seating and refreshments.

With kind regards,

Evi Vogel, Lutz Cleemann and Stefan Recksiegel (Humboldt Club Munich)

Salon on January 24th at the IBZ


Bruno Nachtergaele gave a talk titled "Particles, Braids, and Anyons"

Künstlerweihnachtsmarkt an der Münchner Freiheit 29.11.2022

Impression from the Salon on Oct. 18th.

Dear Humboldtians,

 on behalf of the Munich Regional Group of the Deutsche Gesellschaft

der Humboldtianer, we cordially invite you to our Salon on October 18th.

We will meet in person at the IBZ for a scientific talk with our

customary reception with wine and cheese.

During the Humboldt Salon on October 18th,

Joshua-Philip Barham      will give a talk titled

"Photo-electrifying Organic Synthesis: Breaking Limits and Rules in the Chemistry Textbook"

Exkursion Starnberger See und Museum Buchheim


Am Samstag 24.09.22 fand unsere Exkursion mit dem Schiff ab Starnberg zum Buchheim Museum in Bernried am südlichen Starnberger See und wieder zurück nach Starnberg statt.

Die 60 Teilnehmer nutzten die Schifffahrt für viele nette Gespräche und knüpften neue Kontakte. Im Museum erwarteten uns mehrere sehenswerte Ausstellungen, von der Sonderausstellung Blaue Reiter und Brücke über die witzigen Bilder von Hurzlmeier, die museumseigenen Sammlungen bis zur Ausstellung über den Film „Das Boot“. Buchheim war ja der Autor des Buchs zu diesem weltbekannten Film, der vor wenigen Jahren nochmals in Staffeln aufgelegt worden ist.

Boat excursion on Sat, September 24, 2022 from Starnberg to the Buchheim Museum

Impression from the Salon on July 5th.

Dear Humboldtians,

 on behalf of the Munich Regional Group of the Deutsche Gesellschaft

der Humboldtianer, we cordially invite you to our Salon on July 5th.

 Due to the current positive Corona situation we will meet in person

at the IBZ for a scientific talk with our customary reception with

wine and cheese.

 During the Humboldt Salon on July 5th

 Laura Martínez de Guereñu           will give a talk titled

 "New Interpretations of a Masterpiece: A More Inclusive History of the German Pavilion"

Impression from the Salon on May 5th.


Dear Humboldtians,


on behalf of the Munich Regional Group of the Deutsche Gesellschaft

der Humboldtianer, we cordially invite you to our Salon on May 5th.


After a long hiatus due to Corona, broken only by the excellent talk of

Maria Flaksman on the historical development of Germanic languages last

October, we will finally be able to meet again in person at the IBZ

for a scientific talk with our customary reception with wine and cheese.


We are very happy to invite you to our Humboldt Salon on May 5th, when


    Thodoris Argyriou        will give a talk on




We will meet at 19:30 for a get-together with wine and cheese, the talk


will start around 20:00.




Please send an email to if you want to participate so we


can arrange appropriate seating and refreshments.




Although there is no 3G rule anymore, we would very much appreciate it


if you would test yourself for Corona on the day of the Salon. We will not


control this, but we ask you for your cooperation in protecting each other.




We are very much looking forward to meeting you in person again!




With kind regards,




Evi Vogel, Lutz Cleemann and Stefan Recksiegel


(Humboldt Club Munich)


Humboldt Salon summary.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 114.0 KB

 Exkursion zur Ilkahöhe am 19.03.2022



Sonnenschein und blauer Himmel. Beste Bedingungen für unsere gut 3 stündige Rundwanderung von Tutzing am Starnberger See hinauf zum Deixlfurter See, weiter zur Ilkahöhe und wieder zurück.Versorgt wurden die 37 Wanderer mit von der Stiftung gesponsorten Lunchpaketen, die zu Beginn ausgeteilt wurden.  Während der Wanderung wurde in wechselnden Gruppierungen angeregt  geplaudert.  Die Aussicht auf den Starnberger See und die Alpen war zwar durch den noch immer in der Luft liegenden Saharastaub etwas gedämpft, aber immer noch wunderschön.



Viele Teilnehmer haben sich bereits erkundigt, wann wieder eine Exkursion angeboten wird.



Evi Vogel

 Dear Humboldtians,


 on Saturday, March 19, 2022 we will offer a hiking tour.


The tour will start at 11.00 at the S Bahn stop Tutzing. We will make a round trip of about 10 km with a height difference of approx. 100 m and hopefully will have a good view into the Alps from Ilkahöhe (see photo attached)


Family members are welcome to attend.


The AvH generously agreed to pay for packed lunches which we will distribute at the beginning of the hike.


So please mark your calendar!


I will come back to you end of February for more details and ask you to register then.


 Have a good time and stay healthy!




Evi Vogel


(one of the speakers of the Humboldt Club Munich)


Dear Humboldtians,


on behalf of the Munich Regional Group of the Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer, we cordially invite you to our next Salon on November 30th.

However, due to the soaring Covid numbers we will NOT be able to offer a meeting in person in the IBZ.


If you plan to attend via Zoom, please connect at least 15min before the start of the talk (20.00) so that we can sort out possible technical difficulties before the talk.


Zoom ID 94239549694, password 941864,


Around 20:00, Prof. Dr. Rainer W. Gerling will start his presentation on:


IT-Security in Research: Why should I care?


IT-Security in scientific environments is a sensible subject. The openness of science with the international scientific exchange and the restrictions of IT-Security and data privacy are – a least on first sight – seemingly contradicting goals. You will see that there are indeed threads to the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data and systems in scientific research. Nevertheless, a good organization of IT-Security can also enable scientific exchange and international collaboration exchanging research data. Examples of incidents and examples of good practice will be shown.Excellent science is not possible without good IT-Security.

Prof. Dr. Rainer W. Gerling is a theoretical physicist and a data privacy and IT-Security expert. He has been professionally involved in information technology for over 40 years and published one of the first articles in Germany on computer viruses back in 1986. Prof. Gerling was a Feodor-Lynen-Stipend in 1988/89 at the Center for Simulational Physics at the University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA. 1993 he changed from science to science-administration. From 1993 until his retirement in 2020, he was the data privacy and IT-Security officer of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft. As co-founder, and from 2008 to 2020 as chairman, of the Information Security Working Group of German Research Institutions (AKIF), he played a key role in shaping the information security governance of German universities and research institutions. Today Prof. Gerling teaches Information Security at the Munich University of Applied Sciences and speaks at conferences and workshops.


We hope that we will have a lively discussion during and after the talk via Internet, as already quite a few expressed their interest in the subject.


With kind regards,

Lutz Cleemann, Stefan Recksiegel and Evi Vogel,

(Humboldt Club Munich)



Upcoming Humboldt Club Topics:

25.01.22 Thodoris Argyriou/ Paläontologie

tbd 22 Joshua Barham/Electrifying Photocatalysis

tbd 22 Laura Martínez de Guereñu/  Architecture

Vergangene Meldungen finden Sie im Archiv der Regionalgruppe.